Every great company starts from humble beginnings. And Phoenix is no different.

The Phoenix story began in the 1980's in a small shed in Hastings, rural Victoria. Back then, the company was founded by Brian Wansborough, joined by two others, and i goat.

Brian was also the found of Gainsborough Hardware and no stranger to the building and hardware industry, and he had a vision and the talent to manufacture three-piece tapware and accessories of the highest quality.

He also had a dream to create the best experience possible for customers with a strong focus on innovation and design.

The founders worked hard to realise this vision, culminating in major milestones including inaugurating Phoenix's in-house R&D department, introducing key senior management, and moving to bigger and better headquarters - five times over.

Today, they've celebrated as a pioneering company in Australia's bathroom, kitchen, plumbing and manufacturing industries.