With a proud history of more than 40 years and a national member network of more than 320 stores, Plumbing Plus has the trade covered right across Australia. Find out why Plumbing Plus is The Better Way to Trade.

The Better Way to Trade
Plumbing Plus has been around for more than 40 years – firstly as the M7 Group, and now, following the merger with Plumbtec, an all-new look for Plumbing Plus.
Our members are all proudly independent, but have one thing in common – an absolute belief in the power of top-shelf service.
Our members go over, above AND beyond to make sure you get what you need, when you need it. No ifs, no buts and no excuses.
We believe that’s a better way to trade.

National footprint. Local and loyal
Plumbing Plus members go all out to support the customers that support them. We know that our business relies on it. And that’s why we go the extra mile – often quite literally.
We'll keep the doors open after closing if that means keeping you as a customer.
Now that's a PLUS!